Thursday, January 29, 2009

{Spending Time with John}

This is kind of a random post because this concert was over this past summer.
But this one definitely makes the "top moments of 2008" list. Braydon and I have been pretty big John Mayer fans since the old "Room for Squares" album. It was an incredible concert and so amazing to watch someone who has truly perfected their talent. Towards the end of the concert, we brought out the 70-200VR for these images and were pretty happy with how they turned out, considering how far back we were. I was taking a few shots out on the stairs during the encore when several security guards came up and asked for my permit. I, of course, didn't have one and was escorted out from the show on the last song. I guess I was pretty naive in bringing a big lens to this show. But it was worth it to get some images of Mr. Mayer playing some crazy solos. I heart John Mayer, and I loved the kiss from Brade in the parking lot while John played "Say"... it was totally worth getting kicked out the concert for!


Alix Hart said...

I love that you got kicked out of a concert for being such a rebel! Definitely worth it, the pics are great.

Jenna said...

Those are some sweet pics. You guys are so lucky to go to his concert. I didn't know you got kicked out! That is too funny.

Avree said...

What a little rebel you are! Cute story, cool pics!

Emily said...

way to get kicked out of the concert! That is an awesome story! And sweet photos!

Anonymous said...

those are awesome!!! It's so cool with the audience in there... It makes the picture pop out and feel unreal... you should go to a miley cyrus concert and take pics for me... :)

Katie & Benten Shober said...

Hey Mikki it's Katie Karren from highschool. I came across your page and i was just wondering how booked out you are and what your prices are. Email me at

I love your work!! Your amazing, I look forward to hearing from ya!

Unknown said...

Love it Mik. Thanks for posting pictures of my man-crush. Awesome work!