Tuesday, August 19, 2008

{Here She Is}

Oakleigh Rae Wright
Born 8/19/08
9:06 a.m.
8lbs. 13oz.
21.5 inches


photography by Mikki said...

In case any of you photo friends out there really care. This was shot between ISO 2000 and 2500 at F2.8.

Abbey said...

Mandi is so lucky to have such a talented sister who can capture those precious moments so perfectly! The pictures you took are priceless and I am sure there are many more...

I'm thrilled for your family and for Mandi and her husband.. aren't babies the sweetest?!

Jenna said...

Congrats to Mandi!!! Yeah for Oakleigh finally being here. The pictures are amazing Mikki!! Hope mom and baby are doing well.

karlee said...

Mikki - How special! I love them all!!

The Stanger Fam said...

What sweet pictures of a sweet new baby! Congrats! I'm so glad to hear that you both made it down there, to be part of such an amazing experience.

~..kass..~ said...

That is awesome! I love the crying one... SO cute! I am very impressed you had it together enough to take such awesome pictures! I would have been crying my eyes out! I hope Mandi is doing good, that was one good sized baby :)

Emett Family said...

She is beautiful and looks so healthy! I am so happy you were able to make it to be apart of such a once in a lifetime experience. You did an excellent job capturing the moment and I am sure Mandi will love and cherish all of the pictures!

Lorraine and Kelly said...

I am dying at how huge she is! How exciting for them, they are going to be such great parents. Great pictures. Thank you for updating your blog with her exciting news since we all know that she RARELY does.

Laurie said...

Yay! She's here! The pictures are beautiful.What a pretty baby!

Emily said...

She is so beautiful! Giving birth is one of the most painful, yet most joyful and emotional experiences you can ever feel. I am so happy you could be there. I could feel through your words just how special it was. I would love to have a sister with your talent and camera there next time I have a baby!

Anonymous said...

I'm also dying at how big she is! Way to go Mandi! I'm also not going to lie I cried reading the progress! I'm such a baby! But once you've been through it you just feel for laboring mothers...I can only imagine how happy she was to see you at 3:30 in the morning!

Alaina Parker said...


You are so talented. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures of Oakley with us. What an awesome experience for you and Mandi. I am so proud of both of you. You are both excellent examples of "Warrior Women!" I love you guys,
Alaina Parker

Alaina Parker said...


You are so talented. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures of Oakleigh with us. What an awesome experience for you and Mandi. I am so proud of both of you. You are both excellent examples of "Warrior Women!" I love you guys,
Alaina Parker

~Ashley Dawn Photography~ said...

Do you know what is kinda cute, it is like little Oakliegh was WAITING for her Auntie Mikki to get there :) So she could have all these Beautiful Pictures of her Birth night :)

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! What a healthy weight-Auri weighed 8 pounds too. You are freaking amazing! I love the pictures! Mandi will treasure them forever! Tell her congrats from me. Congrats on becoming an aunt-its so fun!

Rach said...

Beautiful! I'm jealous, how much do you charge to be right in the delivery room!!? Hee hee...she's lucky those pictures are awesome!


Mikki, you do such a good job. The pictures are gorgeous.

~..kass..~ said...

haha thanks but I didn't take it, she is at my friends house (kelli) she is pretty good with the whole photography stuff :)

Cassidy Legg said...

how those are amazing pictures! good job