Thursday, June 25, 2009


The King of Pop died today. I am crushed. He was the most talented performer and artist in the world, and a huge part of my childhood. So many memories; almost like I grew up to his music. I took state on my high school drill team to one of his songs, performed at the middle school talent show to Thriller with Ashley Gwilliam and worked out to one of his old hits last night while running. Seriously...I am crushed. And I AM CRYING RIGHT NOW...


Rach said...

I know!! My whole high school drill team experience has him included in them! We are probably some of the only that feel completely heart broken over this...but he really was so very talented!

Malerie said...

LOVE him!!!!
I really wanted to go to a concert of his before i died... but he beat me to it. :(

maybe in the next life we'll rock out.

Avree said...

Drill was the first thing I thought of too. I was on the phone with Amanda Allan tonight and I mentioned he had died and she said, "Poor Mikki!"

The Johnson 5 said...

When I heard the news, I immediately thought of you! He may have been a little crazy in the end, but he made some of the best music in the world in his glory days. The world won't be the same without him. Maybe those missionaries will get to him on the other side and straighten him out, huh?! :)

Kristen Westbrook said...

Oh Mikki, I feel the same way! Isn't it funny how all of us Drill team girls have such great memories of dancing to his music and taking State. Do you remember when Danielle would turn on his music first thing in the morning to wake us all up and do across the floor technique! Oh how sad!!!

Chelsey said...

Me too mik, I LOVED him and secretly had a crush on him my whole childhood. There is something unique about him. Of course everyone thinks of him when it comes to dance themes because he had the BEST dance songs to groove with. I remember when we were still in highschool when you, me and mandi would rock out to him in my truck. Good times! He will be missed. I was looking forward to his comeback and some new hits from him.

~..kass..~ said...

I feel the same way. He is a huge part of a lot of us growing up I am sure. We have a video of Darren at about 3 dancing to him, so cute. He was a very talented guy. He will be missed for sure, and his songs will never die.

Aubrey & Garrett Frei said...

I have to say, when I heard the news, I actually thought about you. I know how much you loved his music. (haha, I just read everyone elses before I clicked publish - looks like everyone else thought the same) love ya girl

RY & MAND WRIGHT said...

I have been looking at pictures and tributes to him all morning I am also crushed I can't believe it I really wish we could have gone to one of his concerts. Someday I hope we get to meet him :)

Jenna said...

Mikki---we feel so bad for you. We just keep wondering how you are doing. We did loose such talent and the world will miss him.

Megan Gubler said...

I thought of you when I heard the news.

Anonymous said...

You're the first person that came to my mind when I heard of his passing-I knew you would be sad. Im sorry. Although I was never really into him, I still recognize that he was one of the best musicians and dancers the world has ever had!

You really are a true fan! Look at all these comments-Most of these people thought of YOU when they heard. :)

Lindsay said...

Me too mik, it is tragic. I couldn't believe it. Talented man but a tormented soul. Maybe it is best. . . I don't think anyone understands how much i liked him :( Well, maybe you do!