Friday, July 25, 2008

{San Diego- Day 2}

Another fun-filled day in San Diego. We went to Oceanside Pier and had some good times with the surfers, ate some ice-cream, and saw a shark. Yes, it was about 12 inches long, but still a shark. Jaws is out there. We ate at a totally awesome Mexican restaurant right across from Swami's beach- great food and the perfect location! The fun continues tomorrow...









Jenna said...

Keep livin the life!!

RY & MAND WRIGHT said...

Mikki you look like you took these pictures out of a magazine they look so cool I love the ones of the surfers and of the little boy holding that shark even though that shark looks mean... and I want to try your Mexican food place it's sounds like you guys are having a blast

Emett Family said...

Wow! I agree with Mandi those surfing pictures look like they came straight out of a magazine. Just looking at them makes me want to go on a tropical vacation very very bad. Keep having a blast and I look forward to seeing you when you get back!

Gracie Rose said...

ha ha! that little boy was hilarious! That was such a fun day! keep shootin...