Monday, May 19, 2008

{Great things come in tiny packages}

Welcome to the World: Striker & Jaxon Stanger. This family just doubled in size with the arrival of their twin boys! We got to run up to the hospital and be with them and their parents for a few hours, and it was so fun. I don't think I've ever held a newborn, so it was really fun for me! Jed (Daddy), was one of Brade's mission companions, and Emily has become one of my good friends. I hope to be more like her in so many ways. We wish they lived a little bit closer, but we're glad that we could share in their excitement of the "double fun" arrival. It was so cool to see two of them together- I can only imagine what my parents were like when Mandi and I arrived... good thing they had big helper, Stephie! Congrats Jed and Emily!


karlee said...

how precious to be there for that!! So fun. Great pictures too Mikki!

Anonymous said...

How cool is that! Twins are so awesome! Great pics-so tender!

Laurie said...

wow, they are so tiny! congrats to the new parents!

AEllsworth said...

Oh, they look like my twin brothers did... but now they're 15 so they're not quite so precious anymore! My older sister is due in Aug. and would love for you to do baby photos for them kinda like these. She saw your blog through mine and loves all your photos! Can you email me info and I'll forward it onto her? Thanks!

Errin said...

how awesome! Great pictures!

~..kass..~ said...

oh how awesome! Darren's niece has a set that will be 2 in Sept. and is having her 2nd set in Aug, I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Those are such amazing pictures!!! they will be so thrilled when the twins grow up to have those pictures!!!!! way good job!! ha ha! thanks mikki for that topic!! i should do it!!!!! you made me laugh!!!

Jenna said...

OMG how cute are those boys!!!! They are just adorable! I'm excited for you guys to take some pics our our little buddle of joy.

~Ashley Dawn Photography~ said...

That is awesome! They are SOO TEENY TINY HUH! My cousin just had twin boys, Dreagan and Adrielle. They are so tiny I am afraid to touch them :S They are both 6 lbs. It is insane.

Those are such sweet little boys. I am glad you could be there. That is an awesome experiance. I have never been to the hospital before... someday!! :) ha ha

Drew and Kat said...

These are absolutely beautiful, you captured such a beautiful moment..

The Stanger Fam said...

Thanks so much for taking those wonderful photos and for the great visit!! We brought our little guys home yesterday (and survived our first night with a relative amount of sleep)!! And now that I'm not living at the hospital, I should be able to update everyone with more pictures more often. Thanks so much again.