Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ward Family

Here is my awesome family! I'm so excited to see them this next Friday; right before Christmas! We are all so different and unique, and together we make up a really great group. It feels like our family just keeps on growing and growing. I can't believe how old we are all getting, and yet Mom & Dad get younger and younger... Fun times at the Ward house!


Gracie Rose said...

awww... that's sooo cute!!! when did you take this? did you go down to st. george?

Rachel said...

I saw all three of your sisters at church today and all four of you are so totally insanely gorgeous!
What a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

mikki i love your hair! and you guys are all so gorgeous!!

Cassidy Legg said...

I was so excited to have you do our family pictures but our dang family cant all get together for one dang weekend. SO we are thinking spring. dont go moving anywhere until after that k. :)

Chelsey said...

Wow your family has totally changed. And it is totally growing. You are all so pretty.

~..kass..~ said...

SO cute, I love it. How weird that most of you are now dark haired gals ;)

Laurie said...

Beautiful family, Mikki! Hope you all have tons of fun together for Christmas!

Errin said...

such a gorgeous fam!!!!

Meghan Ence said...

You guys are all so cute! Your mom looks like one of the sister!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mikki! Thanks for the sweet comment.

You are seriously the person who pushed me over the edge on buying a camera-I've been saving since before my birthday to buy one and I couldn't wait any longer after looking at your awesome pictures. You are so inspiring and so talented! I still would want you to take my familys pictures but Im going to have to save for a while now!:)

If you ever have a big shoot-let me know, I would love to be a back up camera.

Are you going to St. George for Christmas?

Anonymous said...

It's Jamie! I'm sad I feel like I don't even know what's going on in your life! Your hair is really darling. Let's go to lunch! Merry Christmas

RY & MAND WRIGHT said...

Mikki it's two o clock in the morning and I jsut got on your blog and what an awesome family pictures... We do have a great family :) I love you Micka see you in a few hours... Please Drive Safe

Candice Warby said...

You guys look so fabulous and happy. You are all so beautiful!